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Resolving "Double Chin"
Are you unhappy with extra fullness beneath your chin and seeking a nonsurgical option? This fullness is actually a medical condition called submental fullness, which some people refer to as “double chin.” Weight gain, genetics, and diet can all be factors in this condition.
Kybella is the first-of-its-kind injectable treatment for adults with submental fullness. Before Kybella, cosmetic injectables were used exclusively to add volume to the face and/or treat wrinkles. Excess chin fat has traditionally been removed with liposuction, a surgical option that requires downtime.
Kybella, however, is the first injectable that actually destroys fat cells, effectively shrinking your double chin. Once destroyed, the fat cells are naturally absorbed by the body and never return. Kybella treatments can be administered in a series of office visits with little, if any, downtime. Multiple treatment sessions may be required to achieve desired results.
You may be a candidate for Kybella if you’re bothered by fat under the chin, feel it makes you look older or heavier than you actually are, or if you eat well and exercise, but submental fullness doesn’t go away.
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Our doctors provide cosmetic and Plastic Surgery services for women and men at several Kelsey-Seybold Clinic locations throughout the Houston area, so you’re never far from looking and feeling like yourself again.