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Avoid Eye Strain When Working At Your Computer
Approximately 20 million American workers experience eye strain as a result of computer usage. In many cases, poor lighting, bright computer screens, and less-than-adequate eyewear cause discomfort.
“The good news is that these problems are easily adjustable to prevent eye fatigue,” says Laura Zivley, OD, a Kelsey-Seybold optometrist.
“You can remedy the discomfort that comes with computer use by making some simple adjustments at your desk,” she explains. “In many cases, computer eye strain is related to your posture and the ergonomics of your eyes, head, and neck.”
A good way to adjust the brightness on your screen is to use a filter on your computer monitor. If you wear eyeglasses, be sure they are appropriate for computer work and not just reading printed words. Your eye care provider can prescribe glasses or contact lenses created especially for computer users.
To ease your headache, Dr. Zivley suggests taking a much-needed break from your computer. “Look away from your computer while you’re at your desk and return phone calls or do work that doesn’t involve the computer,” she adds. “To prevent the irritation and blurred vision that come with dry eyes, you may need prescription eye drops. These drops provide moisture and treat the underlying problem to improve the quality of your tears.”
Dr. Zivley notes that you can give your sore eyes the relief they need by changing the way you work on your computer, but if your headache won’t go away, or your eye problems persist or worsen, consult your primary care provider or an eye care professional for help.
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