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Target and eliminate unwanted fat with CoolSculpting

Buttock Lift

A buttock lift (or butt lift) procedure removes excess fat and sagging skin from the buttocks, thighs, and surrounding areas, contouring the area to give you a more toned appearance.

What Causes Sagging Skin?

As you age, and after many years battling against the natural force of gravity, your skin loses its elasticity, meaning your skin becomes looser and sagging occurs. Loss of skin elasticity is further advanced and accelerated by weight fluctuations, genetics, sun damage, and other natural, uncontrollable factors.

What a Buttock Lift Can Do

A buttock lift, which is considered a cosmetic procedure, can help improve sagginess in the buttocks. For many, improving the appearance of this lower area helps boost body image and increase self-confidence. Usually, a buttock lift is performed in conjunction with other body contouring procedures to achieve the best results, such as liposuction or a body lift.

What Happens During a Butt Lift Procedure

A buttock lift is typically performed as an outpatient procedure with general anesthesia. During the procedure, an incision will be made in your lower back, around or just below the waistline. In general, the procedure involves lifting the skin from the incision to remove excess fat and skin, and then tightening the remaining tissue and closing the incision.

If additional volume or projection of the buttocks is desired, lower back tissue can be shaped into an implant and placed into the buttocks. This technique is called autologous buttock augmentation and uses your own tissue as a buttock implant

Is a Buttock Lift Right for You?

A buttock lift is a personal choice and can offer various desirable benefits for many patients. It’s also important to consider how well you meet the criteria of the best candidates for the procedure, who are most likely to achieve the best results.

If eating right, exercising, and other weight control efforts aren’t producing the results you desire, a buttock lift might be able to help. You may consider a buttock lift if you:

  • Have experienced significant weight loss and have excess, loose skin in the buttock area
  • Are slightly overweight and can’t achieve desired results through diet and exercise
  • Have loose skin in the buttock area as a result of aging
  • Had a liposuction procedure and haven’t regained skin elasticity in that area
  • Can maintain a normal and stable body weight
  • Are able to maintain a positive outlook and set realistic goals

When to Consider Other Options

A buttock lift is NOT advisable for patients whose health history includes risk factors that may lower their ability to undergo successful surgery and recovery, such as:

  • Chronic health conditions (such as diabetes or high blood pressure)
  • Smoking
  • Intent to lose a significant amount of weight
  • Low psychological health
  • A high body mass index (BMI)

Potential Risks

Any surgical procedure carries potential risks. Buttock lift procedures are associated with common surgical risks of bleeding, infection, and allergic reaction to anesthesia. Other possible complications from a buttock lift may include:

  • Seroma (accumulation of fluid beneath the skin)
  • Scarring
  • Reduced sensation or numbness in the skin (not always permanent)
  • Wound not healing properly

Consulting a board-certified Kelsey-Seybold plastic surgeon is the best way to determine whether any treatment or procedure is safe and likely to produce positive outcomes for you.

Preparing for the Procedure

During your pre-surgery consultation, be prepared to discuss:

  • Your expectations
  • Health conditions, allergies, and risk factors that could affect success and safety of surgery and recovery
  • Current and past use of medications, vitamins/supplements, alcohol, tobacco, and drugs
  • Any questions and concerns you might have – prepare a written list before your visit
  • Possible treatment options

Your plastic surgeon may also give you special instructions – stop smoking, cease alcohol consumption, avoid or take certain medications, or start a special diet – to help reduce the risk of complications.

Recovery and Results

It’s common to feel moderate pain after the procedure, which can be alleviated with medication. You may also be prescribed antibiotics and anticoagulants to help with healing and recovery. Follow all instructions from your Kelsey-Seybold Plastic Surgery team. Controlling your weight is key to maintaining your buttock lift results.


Treat unwanted fat with CoolSculpting!
Safe and effective, this nonsurgical procedure helps contour the body.

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2727 West Holcombe Blvd. Houston, Texas 77025