Do any Kelsey-Seybold Clinic locations have Saturday appointments?
Do I need a referral to see a specialist with the Kelsey-Seybold Plan?
Does Kelsey-Seybold have after-hours services?
Does the Kelsey-Seybold Plan offer all the specialists I need?
How can I make an appointment?
How do I go about choosing a primary care physician?
How long may I keep my children enrolled in the plan?
I already see a Kelsey-Seybold doctor. Why should I choose the Kelsey-Seybold Plan?
If I enroll in the Kelsey-Seybold Plan, can I withdraw from the plan before the next annual enrollment period?
If I need to go to an Urgent Care Center, will the visit be covered?
Is emergency room (ER) care included in the Kelsey-Seybold Plan?
Is there a Kelsey-Seybold Clinic location near me?
What do I need to bring to my first appointment?
What happens if I'm not sure which Kelsey-Seybold primary care physician to choose?
What happens when I need to go to the hospital?
What if I have an emergency and don't have time to call Kelsey-Seybold?
What is MyKelseyOnline?
What is the Kelsey-Seybold Plan service area?
What kind of medical specialists does Kelsey-Seybold Clinic offer?
What’s included in the Kelsey-Seybold Plan?
Where can I get a prescription filled?
Why should I choose the Kelsey-Seybold Plan for my medical care?
Will my Social Security number appear on my membership identification card?
We make scheduling easy for you
You can schedule appointments through our secure patient portal, MyKelseyOnline, or call our 24/7 Contact Center at 713-442-0427. Virtual Visit options are also available to all new and current patients.