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Is Bariatric Surgery Right for You?

Physical, emotional, and lifestyle factors contribute to the development of obesity and its complications. It's usually more complicated than just "eating too much." Recognizing these triggers before starting your bariatric surgery journey is crucial to achieving your weight loss goals and improving your overall health.

We require all potential bariatric surgery patients to undergo a psychiatric evaluation and nutrition counseling with a registered dietitian. This helps us to understand your motivation, readiness, behavioral challenges, and emotional factors that may impact how you cope with stress before, during, and after bariatric surgery.

Nutrition Counseling

Depending on your insurance plan, you may be required to complete multiple monthly nutrition visits prior to surgery with one of our registered dietitians. A referral is needed from your primary care physician.

Psychiatric Evaluation

A psychiatric evaluation is required prior to surgery. If you're part of a KelseyCare Advantage plan, we'll refer you to a Kelsey-Seybold provider. Otherwise, you can use the following psychologists for an evaluation:


An endoscopy is necessary to determine your current gastrointestinal health and anatomy. We'll schedule an appointment for you at Memorial Hermann Memorial City. Once the appointment is scheduled, you'll be notified and provided with all logistical information regarding the endoscopy.

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