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Hip Pain Relief

Hip problems can be both debilitating and challenging to treat, but our team of specialists knows how important it is to help you return to the activities you love. At Kelsey-Seybold, we're dedicated to finding solutions to help sufferers living with hip discomfort get back to active living.

Your hip is the joint where your thigh bone and pelvis meet and is mainly responsible for supporting much of the body's weight while sitting, standing, or walking. The hip is a ball-and-socket joint that allows a significant range of motion which, if limited, can have a negative impact on daily activities. As you age, your hips can weaken from debilitating conditions such as arthritis, disease, and other injuries. Injuries and illness that occur regardless of age include hip strains, dislocation, fractures, and bursitis. Playing sports, running, overuse, or falling can all lead to severe hip injuries, also.

Some of the Hip Conditions We Treat

We treat a wide range of acute and chronic hip conditions, including, but not limited to:

Hip arthritis

Osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease of the hip is a loss of cartilage of the hip joint. This condition may be due to normal wear and tear over time. Some symptoms may include pain in the groin, limited range of motion, and stiffness of the hip.

Hip dislocation

Hip dislocation is usually caused by a sudden impact of the joint following a direct blow, fall, or other trauma to the hip.

Hip fracture

Hip fractures occur when any part of the structure breaks and the bones in your hip separate. They can be caused by a fall, direct blow to the side of the hip, or from medical conditions such as osteoporosis, cancer, or repetitive stress.

Hip dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is an abnormal formation of the hip socket, which in its severe form can cause crippling and painful arthritis of the joints. It's a genetic trait that's affected by environmental factors.

Avascular necrosis

Avascular necrosis is a condition in which the ball of the hip dies and collapses. It's a common cause of severe hip problems in younger adults. It can occur from fractures, dislocations, inherited disorders of the blood, certain drugs, and alcohol. Early treatment can sometimes prevent progression, which requires total hip replacement.

Diagnosing Hip Conditions

The first step toward diagnosis is to discuss your medical and health history. To understand the cause of your hip conditions, you should be prepared to discuss the following during your physical exam:

  • Whether an injury or accident happened before your pain began
  • When the hip pain occurs and where it's located (for example: lower back or legs)
  • Whether pain is made worse by activity
  • Whether pain is preventing you from walking or doing other daily activities
  • What factors make it worse
  • What works to relieve pain
  • If you feel pain in any other joints or locations on your body
  • A description of the pain (for example: dull ache, sharp stabbing pain, or burning sensation)
  • Whether you have other health conditions, such as osteoporosis

These types of questions can help our Orthopedics specialists distinguish what the cause of your hip discomfort may be. Depending on what's revealed by your exam, X-rays, CT scan, MRI, or imaging, treatments will vary from less invasive solutions to surgical treatments.

Treating Hip Conditions

If you've suffered any hip trauma, it's important to seek treatment right away. Failure to do so increases your risk for further complications, such as chronic instability, weakness, or pain. Whenever possible, we try to minimize recovery time by first utilizing nonsurgical hip treatments, including medications, physical therapy, injection therapy, lifestyle modifications, and exercise.

If nonsurgical approaches don't relieve your hip pain, our Orthopedics physicians will discuss your surgical options and help you decide which option is best for you. We perform several hip surgeries, including minimally invasive total hip replacement, bone reshaping (osteotomy), revision of hip replacement, and treatment of hip infections.

Schedule an Appointment Today!

You can book appointments through our secure online patient portal, or call our 24/7 Contact Center.