in collaboration with
Quality care from a name you know and trust.
See ALL Kelsey-Seybold Primary Care Doctors and ALL Kelsey-Seybold Specialists at ANY Kelsey-Seybold Location. NO REFERRALS EVER REQUIRED to See Kelsey-Seybold Specialists!
Get coordinated, convenient healthcare with NO DEDUCTIBLE and predictable copays.
When you choose Blue HMO in collaboration with a Kelsey-Seybold primary care physician (PCP), you can see any Kelsey-Seybold primary care doctor or any Kelsey-Seybold specialist at any Kelsey-Seybold location. No referrals are ever required to see a Kelsey-Seybold specialist with expertise in more than 65 medical specialties.
Here’s how to enroll in the Blue HMO plan:
Be sure to write down your primary care physician’s name and ID number. See below for a full list of Kelsey-Seybold PCPs and ID numbers.
→ Click here for a list of Kelsey-Seybold PCP IDs (sorted by clinic name)
→ Click here for a list of Kelsey-Seybold PCP IDs (sorted by last name)
- If you have questions or need personalized assistance in selecting a PCP, call Thelma Woodard or Sandy Esparza at the Kelsey-Seybold Patient Help Line, 713-442-1233, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- On the Kinder Morgan Benefit Online Portal, select Blue HMO and enter the PCP’s name and ID when prompted.
More ways to access comprehensive care!
Choosing Blue HMO in collaboration with a Kelsey-Seybold PCP gives you:
- Coordinated, high quality care from 850+ Kelsey-Seybold physicians with expertise in more than 65 medical specialties. No referrals are ever required to visit a Kelsey-Seybold specialist.
- In-hospital care coordinated through your Kelsey-Seybold physicians at multiple, world-class hospitals, including Texas Children’s Hospital, St. Luke’s Health, The Woman’s Hospital of Texas, Houston Methodist, Memorial Hermann, and HCA Houston Healthcare.
- Exclusive concierge-level service for expert help and assistance in finding nearby clinic locations and physicians.
- And more!
We make scheduling easy for you
You can schedule appointments through our secure patient portal, MyKelseyOnline, or call our 24/7 Contact Center at 713-442-0427. Virtual Visit options are also available to all new and current patients.