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top places germs thrive at holiday time

Top Places Germs Thrive

December 10, 2019

Germs are everywhere! But by taking measures to avoid them, you can significantly lower the chances of germs causing illness for you and your loved ones.

The number one way to prevent germs from wreaking havoc on your body is by thoroughly washing your hands. You can avoid germs left behind by others by washing your hands regularly with soap and water. If you have house guests over, consider placing antibacterial hand sanitizer around your home for them to use. Another way to combat germs is to make the places they commonly hide uninhabitable.

Some of the top places germs hide are:

The Office

Work surfaces, such as lunchroom and meeting room tables, desks, telephones, and computer keyboards are notorious for germs because they're rarely cleaned. Although you may be the only one using this equipment, health experts say bacteria can still grow and possibly infect you. For instance, office desks are often dirtier than a toilet seat. A recent journal article reports that office bacteria can be decreased by 99% by cleaning personal office equipment once a day. Common office areas should also be cleaned with antibacterial wipes.

The Kitchen

Germs from uncooked meat can cause havoc in the kitchen. This is especially true when someone handles raw meat and then touches other surfaces or reuses wet sponges that have "cleaned" these surfaces. Take steps to avoid cross contamination of food by doing such things as using separate utensils for cooking raw meat and handling cooked meat. Use disinfectant sprays and paper towels or disposable sanitizing wipes instead of sponges to clean countertops.


Schools are prime locations for illness-causing germs because kids often don't wash their hands regularly. School drinking fountains, playground equipment, and shared classroom areas can be especially germy. Encourage children to make hand washing a life-long habit.

Dr. Adesina from Kelsey-Seybold Clinic

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