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Prescriptions Made Easy

Your web pharmacy: refill prescriptions, check their status, set up reminders

Kelsey Pharmacy Recommends Medication Refills by Mail

It's understandable to be anxious about COVID-19 and to focus on prevention. To help keep you and your family safe and healthy, your Kelsey Pharmacy recommends you have us mail your prescriptions to you to help limit the potential for exposure to the coronavirus.

No Shipping Fee

Kelsey Pharmacy will mail prescriptions and over-the-counter products to your home or office with free shipping.

Plan Ahead

Please check your refills now and don't wait until you're close to being out of what you need. Plan ahead and allow several days for mailed prescriptions to reach you.

If your medication is out of refills, submit a request to your Kelsey Pharmacy and we'll put the request through to your doctor.

Submit Your Refill Request Online

For quicker service, request a refill online through our secure online prescription form or reorder through MyKelseyOnline.

We make scheduling easy for you

You can schedule appointments through our secure patient portal, MyKelseyOnline, or call our 24/7 Contact Center at 713-442-0427. Virtual Visit options are also available to all new and current patients.